What is MaticMarket?

MaticMarket is a permissionless decentralized exchange (DEX) based on Ethereum, powered by Polygon(Matic) Network's Layer 2 scalability infrastructure. By utilizing Layer 2 for transactions, any user on MaticMarket will be able to trade any ERC20 asset at super-fast speeds with near-zero gas costs securely. On polygon the gas fees are so low that you can do hundereds of transections in just 1$ contrary to other chains.

MaticMarket provides best exchange rates for almost every transection on polygon network. We achieve this by analysing different DEXs like QuickSwap, Sushiswap, 1inch etc. and provide you the best deal so that you get more amount of tokens. Do not take our words as is, go to MaticMarket and try now, you can quote the prices before actually swapping the tokens. You can clearly see the difference in the image above.

Try MaticMarket now

MaticMarket comes with an intuitive UI which makes it very easy to interact with and get the work done without any hassle. To get started on MaticMarket you just need MetaMask world famous secure extension for crypto trading, we will soon add more wallets like WalletConnect.
Load your funds onto the polygon network and dive into the crypto trading using MaticMarket. If you have any challenge on moving funds from ethereum/binance to polygon. Read this article How to move funds to polygon from bsc, ethereum chain?